
Friday, January 23, 2015

5 Reasons To Play Guild Wars 2 This Weekend

Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns GW2 ArenaNet

I've been playing Guild Wars since fall of 2005 not too long after it's initial launch.  I was a broken Necromacer Monk build that basically had an infinite eternal minion horde.  This was eventually nerfed but it didn't matter, I was hooked.  I convinced my now husband to pick up the game and he became addicted as well.  Skip forward almost 10 years and a second incarnation later we stand on the edge of a major announcement from Guild Wars's creators ArenaNet at Pax South this weekend.  Major GW2 youtube personalities and fans have been speculating a new expansion will be announced for the game.  My fingers are crossed as I join the hype train.

Guild Wars 2 Thorne Arroway Kevin my character
My human ranger Thorne Arroway and her moa Kevin.

Here are five reasons you should play Guild Wars 2 (GW2) this weekend whether you are new to the game or a returning playing.